Sometimes I surprise myself with what I can accomplish if I
get off the couch and get to it already! To all whom read my blog, you know how pic heavy it can get. It takes me forever to get it together,edit the
photos and have the time to sit down here and talk to you! Maybe when the hubby gets home I will have some more free time to be lazy=====I mean be productive====yes, that's what I meant.
Part of the problem
excuse, is that there aren't enough hours in the day I tell ya! Now I know I am not the only one that feels this from time to time or
maybe even every stinking day?
Maybe too many hobbies. Likes. "Joys" in my life to tackle.
Well you can come to your own conclusions while I show ya some pretty pics k? lol;)
My new fave combination. Greek yogurt and cherries or cherries and cacao powder in=====ummmm====well a smoothie of course.
This is definitely one of my
top hobbies lately. Eating!
Not only eating,but eating
Another food that has walked into my life recently====lettuce wraps!
I got this green eating goodness from Angela over at
Oh She Glows! I may move to Canada to be closer to this woman!! She has the best recipes for healthy eating.
They fit me anyway!!
Speaking of green I also tried her
Green Monster Smoothie before fighting the heat outside and cutting the grass in my forever growing back yard;( Hellooooo energy!!! Great booster before some serious yard work! These are going to become a part of my every day routine folks:) And
no you do not taste the spinach in there.
Go see what she has in store for you,you may be surprised! Here's to your health!
Alright I will get off my soapbox about food now. That was teaser I know. It kept you reading on maybe?? Anyway
as you know,
obviously I quilt on occasion...............................
I am onto the binding for my
scrappy border quilt. You know what that means. I finished quilting it!!
Some binding has been sewn into colorful dotty strips and attached to the back of the quilt sandwich. Just have to sew it to the front and ======another finish. This may. be. a favorite quilt. It's been a thought:)
Hobby number 3:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
swapping my pants off or
tryin' for that matter!
I did do a great swap with Jamie over at
Busy Bee Quilts last week. She is a really sweet gal! Her quilts are really pretty too!
Neptune print is from another swap on Flickr. The stack
on the right is from Jamie. Looks like some
Full Moon Forest to me;)
Lucky,lucky me. In return she received some vintage sheet goodness.
I decided to try some
Connecting Threads cotton thread in
parchment to take advantage of their 30% off sale. Heard from many that the Clover seam ripper is a must have too so I added one of those to the shopping cart as well. I have one seam ripper a blonde kid living with me broke the cap to awhile back and one that just isn't much to hype about that came with my sewing machine. Since my other white thread has run out on me today,the
Essentials thread will be hitting my machine real soon.
Last week I came across this pattern over at
Penny Dog that Kerry was nice enough to send me the link for right away.
Paper piecing made easy...That is what I have been told at least! I had the hubby pick out some colors for this one since I would like to display it in the living room when it is finished.
He came up with========================
Isn't he a sweetie?:) He is really good with color too!!
Last night I was in the mood to sew!!! You know how that can be right?!
I had found a tutorial on a really great blog called
MADE. a couple days ago and I was ready to bust these out already!!
One yard of a
fun print
Some 1" elastic
Magic happens:):):)
The whole sewing adventure took around 2 hrs and then I had some cute new pj shorts. I am liking them.
Very much so.
Here is my little guy hanging out with mommy today in my sewing room:):):):):):):):):):):):)
Linking up to Fabric Tuesday:)
Joining in here too:) |